Some Thoughts on Jimi Hendrix' Natal Chart
I was out somewhere the other day and I heard Jimi Hendrix’ “The Wind Cries Mary” on the sound system. I haven’t really listened to his music since I was a teenager. I liked a lot of it but never felt the need to revisit it. It sounded good though and, knowing a little bit about his life, I figured I’d take a look at his chart, largely employing traditional/Hellenistic astrological techniques.
chart erected on traditional calculator
His is a daytime chart, so the Sun is the sect light. This means that his Mars is out of sect and, therefore, very malefic. We find his Mars in the 12th house of disease and hidden enemies, in domicile in Scorpio. His girlfriend/current sex partner at the time (Mars in Scorpio) had given him 18x the recommended dosage of her sleeping medication, Vesparax, (hidden enemies?) because he had been suffering from overwork, chronic insomnia and influenza (disease).
His Ascendant is in Sagittarius in both the decan and bound of Saturn. His first house is ruled by Jupiter, who is retrograde but exalted in Cancer on the 8th house, in his bound and within orb of a conjunction with the ruler of that sign, the Moon. Hendrix died from “asphyxia due to aspiration of vomit; contributed to by barbiturate intoxication.” Cancer is a water sign ruling the chest, so aspiration of fluids makes sense here.
His Sun is in Sagittarius on the first house, in a triple conjunction with his occidental Venus and oriental Mercury. Obviously, Hendrix was a very famous man (Sun in the 1st house), widely touted by the press/media (Mercury) due to his involvement in the arts (Venus). Venus also rules his 11th house of friends and society, which could reflect the artistic circles in which he ran. It’s also notable, symbolically, to mention that the Sagittarian “plays” a stringed instrument – an archer’s bow and a guitar both fit that definition, no?
Music, being a 5th house topic, was obviously central to Hendrix’ life. He has Aries on the 5th house. Aries, being a cardinal-fire sign, is interesting for a couple reasons: he literally set his guitar on fire, while performing his song “Fire” during what was perhaps his most legendary performance, the Monterey Pop Festival (June, 1967) which, more than any performance, put him on the map; and also because Hendrix had a very strong cardinal start to his career but, in classic fashion, lacked the sustain and staying power – he burned out – yet cardinal signs also indicate boldness and innovation, which could definitely be said of him. The Sun, in Jimi’s 1st house, is exalted in Aries, which certainly speaks to his music-based stardom and renown.
Jimi Hendrix performing “Fire” at the Monterey Pop Festival. June, 1967
Virgo is on the 10th house of career and achievements, yet his MC (Medium Coeli; Midheaven) is in the 11th house of friends, society and rewards. This could indicate the dissonance that sometimes occurs between an artist and the public. Hendrix was a performer, yet it’s obvious that he had an inner connection with the music beyond producing merely financially viable pop music. He was an innovator and the listening public happened to respond and, thereby, Hendrix’ outward persona may have become more visible than the inner artist seeking fulfillment through his creations. Also, Virgo is ruled by Mercury in the 1st house; Mercury, or Hermes, as the Greeks knew him, was the inventor of music and the lyre (a stringed instrument), which he gave to Apollo.
Hendrix was 27 when he died, which would put him in a 4th house profection year (the year of his life when 4th house topics come to the fore). He has Pisces on the 4th house. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, who is in the 8th house of death. Anciently, 4th house topics include death, the “end of things” and the breast/lungs. Add too this that Pisces is, of course, a water sign. These are more indications of his asphyxia/aspiration of fluids resulting in his death at the age of 27, his 4th house profection year.