Traditional Western Tropical Astrology utilizes techniques developed over two millennia ago in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, before being systemized in the Hellenistic era, in order to gain insight and clarity in matters pertaining to the people, things and events in our lives. On a personal level, Astrology affords the individual an intriguing perspective from which to survey the people, things and events in their lives while providing an opportunity to enrich their experiences with meaning and actively cultivate a sense of oneness with the Cosmos.
Jaime Paul Lamb has been initiated into an occult tradition which fuses such diverse systems as Western tropical astrology, Hermetic Qabalah, Tarot, ceremonial magic, comparative mythology, as well as alchemical, elemental and typological theory.
Types of Consultations Offered:
Natal Chart Analysis. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the solar system at the very moment you became an independent being. These planets in signs and in houses, witnessing one another by aspect, tell the story of your life from beginning to end; they afford us the ability to survey your obstacles and opportunities…and to calculate the likelihood of future events.
$240 for a copy of your natal chart and a full analysis in a pdf document. Or $90 for a one-hour Zoom session.
Synastry Chart Analysis. With this technique, we juxtapose and compare the natal charts of any two individuals to gauge compatibility and to calculate the longevity and fruitfulness of their interaction together. While this technique is usually applied to romantic relationships, it may also provide invaluable insight on any type of interaction between two people.
$180 for a copy of the couple’s synastry chart and a full analysis in a pdf document. Or $90 for a one-hour Zoom session.
Horary. Any question answered, using an ancient method by which a chart is erected at the time the question is asked. Ask anything from “Is this relationship worth continuing?” to “Where are my car keys?”
$90 for a copy of the horary chart and an analysis in a pdf document. Or $90 for a one-hour Zoom session.
Elections. Some moments have the momentum of the very cosmos behind them - while others are cosmically doomed. Electional astrology lets you deliberately elect a time to set any type of cycle you wish in motion (e.g., a wedding, job interview, ritualism, etc.). Inceptional astrology gives you insight and clarity on cycles that have already been set in motion by looking at the planetary placements at the cycle’s start.
$60 for a copy of the electional chart and an analysis in a pdf document. Or $90 for a one-hour Zoom session.
Chart Rectification. Let’s say you’re one of the many who, due to a careless nurse or a lost birth certificate, don’t know their exact time of birth. I can reverse engineer your time of birth resulting in an Ascendant and houses. I can only do this over Zoom because I have to ask you a lot of questions.
$90 for a one-hour Zoom session.
Calculation of the Almuten Figuris. The Almuten Figuris, or “Winner of the Figure,” is the planet with the most essential dignity in the natal chart. This planet is associated with the native’s Higher Genius, Personal Daimon, or Holy Guardian Angel - that entity who guides the soul through life. There is a method for calculating the entity’s planetary affiliation and deriving its name, which can then be used in the native’s personal theurgical/magical practices. I will teach you that method and guide you through the process - but you will perform the final calculation and derivation of the entity’s name, as this is a very personal operation.
$180 for a two-hour Zoom session including many pdf documents, minutely outlining the process.
Astromusicology. Hear the sound of your natal chart. Using a composite system of astrological and musical correspondences, I will perform an approximately 5-minute improvisation based on the placements of your Ascendant and planets in the zodiacal signs. I also highlight the intervallic relationships of the aspects between the planets in sound. These improvisations are performed on an acoustic, bellows-operated, reed organ called a harmonium - an instrument widely used in Kirtan and Indian Classical music. This is a perfect accompaniment to meditation and ritual, particularly that of a theurgical/daimonic nature. I must have the date, location and (preferably) exact time of your birth. As far as I am aware, I am the only source for this sort of uniquely Pythagorean offering. See the ‘Music’ page on this website for more information.
$60 for an approximately 5-minute MP3 recording and a copy of my notes on your chart.