The Tarot provides us with a unique symbolic perspective from which we may examine both the circumstances of our lives and the endless procession of our thoughts. The Tarot’s archetypal symbolism seems to penetrate more deeply than the unaided conscious mind may access, thereby revealing to us a portal to the contents of the collective unconscious and the tremendous source of vivifying influence and potential contained therein.
Jaime Paul Lamb has been initiated into an occult tradition of Tarot contemplation which fuses such diverse systems as Hermetic Qabalah, astrology, theurgy/magic, comparative mythology, as well as alchemical, elemental and typological theory.
Types of Consultations Offered:
Past, Present & Future. Gain insight on the people and narratives in your past, clarity in your present condition, and the foresight of what awaits you in the days, months and years to come. For better or worse, learn to face the truth and adjust accordingly.
$180 for a copy of your three-card Tarot spread and a full analysis in a pdf document. Or $90 for a one-hour Zoom session.
Tarotic Astrology. Using an established system of correspondences which were, until recently, only taught to initiates of a certain Victorian Era magical society, the planets and signs from your horoscope are transcribed into the symbolic language of the Tarot. This tarotic transcription of astrological data affords us an invaluable perspective - your horoscope comes alive through the symbolism of this enigmatic deck of cards.
$240 for a copy of your natal chart, the corresponding Tarot spreads and a full analysis in a pdf document. Or $90 for a one-hour Zoom session.