Preliminary Table of Planetary and Zodiacal Correspondences to Tones, 2020.
Preliminary Table of Intervallic Correspondences to the Aspects, 2020
Hear the Sound of Your Natal Chart.
Just as astrology is predicated on the science of celestial mechanics yet relies on the artful interpretation of the astrologer; so too does music, which is based on the science of ratio, proportion and mathematical harmony, rely on the musician's artful interpretation in order to find its expression. This is the premise of astromusicology.
Jaime Paul Lamb specializes in harmonium improvisations that explore the intersection between astrology and music.
Using a theoretical method of planetary, zodiacal and aspectual correspondences Jaime Paul Lamb renders astrological placements, transits and signatures into harmonium improvisations. Using this system of astromusicological correspondences, any astrological chart may be musically analyzed and rendered into the component modes, tones and intervals needed for musical improvisation.
Astrology is a science and an art - a science, in that it is a computational/algebraic system using geometry to describe planetary relationships; and an art, in that the symbolic data yielded requires the interpretation and mythologization of an astrologer. Similarly, music is scientific in that it deals with subdivisions of time and duration, chords, ratios and harmonic relationships in the physical medium of air-pressure waves. Music is artistic in that these components are necessarily arranged as such to communicate abstract information, even eliciting emotional responses for the listener/interpreter.