2022 Aries Ingress Analysis
Aries and Musca Borealis, Sidney Hall, 1825
Mundane Astrology.
Mundane, or political, astrology is an ancient branch of astrology dealing with the affairs and fortunes of groups of people, such as the inhabitants of cities, states and nations. Commonly, a horoscope is erected for the Sun’s passage into the first minute of the sign of Aries in any given year – this is known as an Aries ingress chart. Typically, the capital of whatever geographical area is used as the location – so, Albany for New York state; Washington D.C. for the United States; etc. The chart is then interpreted per the established conventions of mundane astrology, which are markedly different from those applied to natal astrology.
chart erected on astro-seek.com traditional calculator
The 2022 Aries Ingress.
To begin, I’ve erected an Aries ingress chart for the United States for 2022 (see the figure above). I should note that, since this chart has Gemini (a mutable sign) on the Ascendant, it will only apply to the 6 month period between the vernal and autumnal equinoxes (March 20th through September 22nd), as cardinal Ascendants indicate that the chart is valid for 3 months and fixed Ascendants indicate validity for the entire year.
I should also mention that, since I’m not too conversant in current affairs, I will be analyzing this chart in the broadest strokes; I really just wanted to start trying my hand at mundane astrology. I’m primarily interested in revisiting this mundane analysis after the 2022 autumnal equinox, to check for technical accuracy, etc. That being said, let’s just jump right in…
The first house represents the general condition of the country, particularly its prosperity and health. To judge it, we first check the condition of the domicile lord of the first house, which is Mercury. Mercury is in detriment in Pisces but he is also in his bound, so the damage is mitigated a bit. In terms of accidental dignity, he is in an angular house (the tenth), conjunct benefic Jupiter (who also rules that domicile), and is out from “under the beams” of the Sun. These accidental factors are helping Mercury quite a bit, but that detriment really puts him in a bad position; he is simply unable to contribute much to first house affairs. This could manifest as stasis and partisan gridlock and, since Mercury could be seen as importing tenth house significations such as the president himself, Biden will likely continue to meet opposition in implementing his agenda items. Mercury also signifies the literary world, such as newspapers and blogs, as well as communication and local transportation. Since Mercury is conjunct Jupiter – who, being the domicile lord of the tenth, is signifying Biden – we can expect the media to be supportive of the president, deservedly or not. Also, expect delays and other difficulties with 5G rollout.
Cancer is on the second house of national wealth, GDP, the stock exchange, etc. The Moon, domicile lord of the second house, is in her fall in Scorpio with only a small amount of mitigating dignity due to her being co-ruler of the triplicity. She’s separating a trine from Saturn and her next aspect will be a square to Mars. The Moon indicates the focus of the public’s attention, among other things. We can expect inflation to worsen and the cost of living to continue to rise and these issues will be conspicuous to the populace.
Some of the significations of the sixth house are public health, epidemics and pandemics. In this chart, we find Scorpio on the sixth house, which is ruled by Mars. In mundane astrology, Mars signifies the armed forces, military conflicts, fires and arson. Mars is out of sect in Aquarius on the ninth house of shipping, sea and air travel, in addition to law, religion and philosophy. We could see armed conflicts arising around the global supply chain issues, perhaps. Mars, being qualitatively hot and dry, might have some bearing on the pandemic – perhaps even the element iron may prove to play a role in treatment, maybe as a supplement?
Lastly, I wanted to take a look at the eighth house, which signifies mundane topics such as public mortality and financial relations with other nations. We have Capricorn on the eighth house in this chart, which is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is in domicile in Aquarius on the ninth house and is also the day ruler of the triplicity – a pretty dignified Saturn who is able to express himself and tend to his houses with his best significations. We can expect the death rates during this period to be restricted and reduced. We can also expect our international financial dealings to be minimal.
Okay, there was some good news and bad news – as there must always be – and I took some shots from the hip. I’ll check back in late September…