Criminal Astrology


Can We Solve Crimes With Astrology?

I recently completed an astrology project for a client who was the victim of a crime. Without getting into too much detail (in the interest of confidentiality), the native experienced a very traumatic and violent event, though he was very lucky and made it through without sustaining any physical injuries, which is actually pretty miraculous in this case – take my word for it.

The client was perplexed as to why this would have happened to him, as the incident appeared to be random and unprovoked – he knew of no obvious reason why the unknown assailant would wish him harm. However, he was worried about the possibility of his being deliberately targeted and desperately needed some insight on the situation. A mutual friend directed him to me.


Techniques Employed

I began by erecting what is known as a transit chart for the event. This is when you contrast the distribution of the planets as they were arrayed at the time of the incident against the native’s natal placements, i.e. their birth chart. From there, you examine the transiting planets to see how they were distributed among the natal signs and houses, as well as how they were applying aspects (geometrical relationships) to the natal planets. Then, using standard delineation techniques, you infer possible narratives based on what is suggested by the astrology – not quite as easy as that, but you get the idea.

One other technique I applied was ‘annual profections’; this is a Hellensitic technique that attributes each year of the native’s life to a particular house and the topics associated with that house are considered to be prominent during that period. The timelord of this technique is the ruler of the activated house. For instance, if the native was 38 years old, they would be in a 3rd house profection year; if they had Gemini on the 3rd house, then Mercury would be the timelord since he rules Gemini. Then you could look at the placement of Mercury for further elucidation. Using the annually profected house as the native’s ‘derived’ or ‘turned’ 1st house, you can get further topical clarification.


I am not going to get into particulars here, nor do I feel okay sharing the anonymous transit chart, but the astrology seemed to suggest a couple very interesting possibilities involving… a woman and an insurance policy, of course. I asked the client to let me know how this plays out, or if there are any further developments in the case, so I will be sure to update this blog if I find out any further details.

Anyway, it was actually a super fun project and made me think about getting in touch with law enforcement or the FBI or something and marketing myself as a Criminal Astrologer. I’m probably not going to actually pursue that, but I wouldn’t turn it down.

Do you have a mystery you need solved?

Prognostication on a court case?

A lost dog?

Contact me.


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