2021 Astrology Forecast
Twenty-twenty was a hell of a ride, astrologically. From Saturn-conjunct-Pluto in Capricorn in the beginning of the year, Mars in Aries squaring Pluto during the summer, and wrapping up with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius – these events, and several others, were hermetically mirrored in terrestrial events to an eerie degree of accuracy. Frankly, if 2020 didn’t make a believer out of you, you mustn’t have been paying attention.
But What About 2021?
Now we’re staring down the barrel of 2021, collectively hoping for better auspices. Is the tide going to turn? Are things finally going to chill a little bit? Or are we looking at another gnarly run? Is this The End? Well, I went through the astrological events for 2021 and picked a handful that I thought might be meaningful: the Aquarius stellium in February, Mercury retrograde periods in the air signs, the spring and fall eclipses on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, Venus conjunct Mars in Leo in July, and three Saturn-Uranus squares evenly dispersed over the year.
Let’s go through them in that order…
Aquarius Stellium in February
On February 10th, the Moon will ingress Aquarius where she will join the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in a stellium (a group of four or more planets in one sign) containing all the visible, classical planets except Mars, who will be off in Taurus squaring the Aquarius stellium by sign. This means that there will be a preponderance of Aquarian influence in both the personal and social spheres, as this sign will be coloring the planetary energy it hosts. Aquarius is a fixed-air sign of the masculine/active polarity, so we can expect this to play out in the intellectual/ideological arena and to have a decidedly humanistic bent – expect some social perturbance around this time, as this will be triggering some of the latent energy set in motion by the Great Conjunction of 2020. Mars’ conspicuous absence from the stellium is broken by his square, which could manifest as displaced aggression or “sideways” anger. You ever have a terrible day at work, only to bring it home and explode on your partner? That’s how the Mars square might play out – except more likely in the social sphere, due to the presence of optimistic Jupiter and pessimistic Saturn.
Chart erected on astro-seek.com
Mercury Retrograde Periods
Mercury will be in retrograde from January 30th to February 21st; again from May 29th to June 22nd; and finally from September 27th to October 23rd. All of these retrograde periods will be occurring in air signs. I’d expect the first one (Jan/Feb) to be the gnarliest because it will be in Aquarius, upsetting the aforementioned stellium. This could manifest in technological and communication issues. I don’t want to be a doomsayer here, but use your imagination. Out of everything going on in 2021 – which, granted, looks relatively tame compared to 2020 – this first Mercury retrograde has me considering the worst-case-scenario. Hopefully, it just blows by with some disinfo campaigns and clandestine moves by the tech oligarchy - we’re already acclimated to those sorts of things, sadly. As for the other two Mercury retro periods, treat those with the usual precaution – charge your phone, keep a spare tire, avoid flights, etc.
Twenty-twenty-one’s eclipses will be occurring on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which signifies mutable-air and fire of the masculine/active polarity; so expect 2021 eclipses to signal or trigger personal developments in the intellectual and spiritual domains. If you’re into any sort of astrological magic, theurgy or ritualism, I would recommend using these eclipses to set new cycles in motion on the aforementioned planes. Even something as simple as lighting a candle and reciting some lunar or solar planetary hymns (like the Homeric or Orphic Hymns) can do a lot towards getting you in tune with the cosmos. There’s a tremendous amount of transformational, cosmic momentum behind eclipses – tap into it!
Venus Conjunct Mars in Leo
Chart erected on astro-seek.com
Occuring on July 13th. This is a conjunction of two personal planets, signifying beauty (Venus) and dynamism (Mars), in a fixed-fire sign of the active/masculine polarity (Leo). Fiery Mars is sort of in his element here and able to manifest his significations a little more freely, so I would expect this to be an active, highly-creative time for many. This, of course, is contingent to how these planets are aspecting your natal placements; meaning those with their Sun in Leo, for example, will particularly find a lot of inspiration while Venus and Mars transit your Sun sign. From another, even more personal perspective, this conjunction may indicate significant developments in the love/sex department, which is nice, right?
Saturn Squares Uranus
Because this hard/challenging aspect involves Saturn (a social planet) and Uranus (a transpersonal planet), we can expect this to play out more broadly; perhaps having lasting generational significance. These planets will be squaring over three separate events, evenly distributed over the course of 2021 (Feb. 17th, June 14th & Dec. 24th), which may indicate some bumps in the road. I think it’s worth highlighting that the main theme here is the “crystallization of revolutionary currents” – so, expect some resolution, for better or worse, depending on your political/ideological perspective. I would expect these three events to mark pivotal, social experiences – ultimately leading to some sort of newly-equilibrated social norm, hence the generational angle.
Chart erected on astro-seek.com
That’s about it. There are some other, minor events going on, but I thought these were worth examining in some detail. I am not anticipating a 2020 II: The Nightmare Continues sort of horror film, but there are so many loose ends to tie up it’s hard to say. We have a lot of healing to do, obviously, and I think we will be processing a lot of collective trauma in 2021. We’ll see what happens…
By the way, I do personal astrology and Tarot readings, so please visit those tabs on my site to find out more info and pricing.