Jeffrey Dahmer’s Super Literal Nativity

I recently watched the new Jeffrey Dahmer dramatized docuseries on Netflix. I thought it was so-so, but I’m not going to critique it here. After I finished it, I decided to watch the one based around his confession tapes – that was interesting. I also intermittently watched quite a bit of interview footage on Youtube.

Being armed with a decent understanding of his biography and chronology (a benefit I don’t usually have when doing natal chart delineations), I was inspired to have a look at his chart. I’m sure many astrologers have pored over Dahmer’s nativity for years but I typically don’t read celebrity natal chart analyses, so I was personally unfamiliar with it.

This chart is shockingly literal – I couldn’t imagine this guy having any other chart. You’ll see what I mean when we get into it.

I’m going to work up the technical stuff first (so you can see the theoretical basis of my interpretation – I’ll put that in italics) then I’ll put my interpretations in plain English. And I’m not going to write paragraphs and paragraphs – just the most salient points – so this will be a nice, easy and understandable read, even if you’re not an astrologer.


Dahmer was born on Saturn’s day (cruelty, depression) in a Martial hour (violence, separation).

He suffered from depression. He cruelly tortured and dismembered his victims.


The Ascendant (personality, physique, life) is in Libra (cardinal/air). Domicile ruler is Venus (beauty, love, relationships). She’s out-of-sect but in domicile in Taurus (fixed/earth). Venus is in aversion to the Ascendant in the 8th house (death, fear, anxiety), so she can’t really see or be seen by the Ascendant, but she’s also importing 8th house topics to the 1st house.

Dahmer chose his victims based on their physiques, which he described as “beautiful.” He then killed them. He was sexually aroused by his victim’s anatomy. Clearly, his concepts of sex and death were somehow fused or otherwise related.


Retrograde Saturn (boundaries, the father) is angular and in domicile in Capricorn (cardinal/earth) on the 4th house (home, the father, “end of things”). Retrograde Jupiter (sanguine/blood) is in fall, squaring Mars (lust, lewdness, violence) in the 7th house (relationships) and copresent Saturn in the 4th.

Dahmer’s relationship with his father was central to his life from beginning to end. He was sexually aroused by violence, blood and gore.


Retrograde Saturn (constriction, confinement, control) rules the 5th house (sex, pleasures) and is in aversion, importing 4th house topics (home, the “end of things”).

Dahmer wanted to keep his victims forever. He wanted sexual control over their bodies. He kept them confined in his house and eventually killed them.


Out-of-sect Mars is in domicile in Aries (cardinal/fire, the head) on the 7th house (partners, relationships). Angular Moon (the body, escapism, emotions) is squaring Saturn in the 4th (home), copresent Mars and unhappy in hot & dry Aries on the 7th.

Dahmer had human heads – with and without flesh on them – in his house when it was searched. He lived in a sexually bizarre fantasy world. He would watch the Exorcist III repeatedly and always identified with the evil/dark “bad guy” in movies.


Venus (beauty, sex) is the domicile lord of the 8th house (death).

Necrophilia. Sex and death. He had sex with dead people.


The Midheaven (MC, status, reputation) is in Cancer (cardinal/water) in the 10th house, ruled by the Moon in the 7th, copresent Mars (violence, separation) and squaring the MC.

Dahmer became known for his delusional ideas about relationships, which included dismembering his partners.


The Lot of Fortune (things that happen to the native, or places where the native happens to find themself) is in Virgo (mutable/earth) on the 12th house (prison, secret enemies).

Dahmer found himself in prison and was killed by another inmate.


Also of note is that Jeffrey Dahmer was in an 11th house profection year (34 years old) when he died. The 8th house (death) from the 11th is his natal 6th house (forced labor, servitude). Retrograde Jupiter rules Pisces on his natal 6th house and is bodily located in his natal 4th (the “end of things”), copresent retro Saturn in domicile and squaring Mars (violence).

Dahmer was violently killed by another inmate who used a dumbbell to bash his head in while he was on work detail in prison.


I’m not too surprised at how accurately this chart reflects the native’s lived experience because, after all, it is a schematic of the causal cycle he engaged. But this is just one of those crazy literal nativities. Granted, there are ways to mitigate bad placements, but I doubt Jeffrey Dahmer knew anything about astrology or he might have been able to ameliorate some of the nasty, doomy stuff he had going on.

Jeffery Dahmer’s life was the manifestation of the cosmic forces he engaged by being born.


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