Astrology is Not a Game


Every astrologer, from time to time, will have to interpret the natal chart of someone whose biography and chronology they do not know. In the absence of this sort of lived context, the astrologer is limited in their ability to give detailed, specific information as to how these cosmic influences have played out (or may play out) in the life of the native.

A natal chart shows us potentialities and inclinations. The symbolism of planets in signs and houses, as well as their aspects to one another, is multivalent; meaning, there are a number of ways, say, Mercury in Aquarius on the 3rd house opposite Pluto in Leo on the 9th house may manifest in the native’s life. There are several theoretically sound interpretations of this configuration – and it will manifest in some form – but, unless the astrologer is conversant with the general narrative arc of the native’s biography, it is difficult to discern the particulars.

Personally, I’ve had clients (of whose biographies I was unaware) alternately say things like, “Oh my god – that is so me! You are telling my story,” as well as, “Hmmm…that’s not really resonating with me. Are you sure this is my chart?” While it’s nice to hear the former, I’m not as interested in hearing that as I am in trying to communicate the chart’s truth, for better or worse.

Their story is in there somewhere – every time – but it often takes some digging.

This is what makes the interactive, real-time dialog between the astrologer and the native so crucial to the process.


Astrology is not a cheap parlor trick.

It’s not a guessing game.

It’s not about blowing the native’s mind by pulling their life out of the chart’s complex body of symbols. Astrology is an ancient art and science focused on taking an honest look at the celestial forces that were set in motion at the moment that the native became an independent entity. It’s about helping the native find clarity, meaning and purpose and judiciously communicating these cosmic messages.

I sometimes tell clients to think of it this way: Imagine that the natal chart is an artist’s palette; it consists of unmixed paints, squeezed straight from the tube. Some palettes are dark and somber, while others are bright and vibrant; they are seasonal in this regard, as one might paint a rich, autumnal landscape or a snowy winter scene. Though the potentialities and inclinations are present and incontrovertible, the native still has to paint the self-portrait that is the product of their life.


Tarot & Astrology


Astrology Debunkers Debunked: Part One