2024 Aries Ingress Analysis

Despite not being much of a mundane astrologer (I mainly practice natal, electional and horary), I try to at least take a crack at the Aries Ingress chart each year. See my past Aries Ingress analyses here and here. My mundane track record, as you can see, is hit or miss.

Real mundane astrologers use lunations and eclipses for timing and other specialized techniques. They also stay abreast of current world events so they can see chronological trends and know something of the socio-political climates they study. I know nothing about current events and haven’t been paying much attention, so I’m somewhat unable to anchor my findings in specific events and phenomena.

I’m just going to look at this chart and delineate planets in signs, houses and aspects, essentially like I would do in a nativity, and I’ll let you know what I see. Obviously, astrological symbolism is multivalent - there are many ways it could play out in the world.

I wanted this chart to reflect the entire planet – not a particular nation – so I used the Greenwich Meridian as the location. This is cast for the moment the Sun ingresses Aries at that meridian. I used whole sign houses because I felt like it.

Anyway. Ready? Here goes…

This chart has cardinal signs on the angles so it’s only good for 3 months – i.e., until the Summer Solstice. So, that’s the time period we will be able to access with this chart.

This chart was cast using Astro-Seek.com. Accessed 2/28/2024.

First thing I notice is that Mars rules the day and hour. Mars signifies war and military aggression. He is in Aquarius on the 2nd house, which signifies the global economy – particularly the airy, digital, speculative economy. I think of the day and hour ruler as providing a low buzz or hum over which the rest of the chart plays. So, let’s just say that there will be a bellicose atmosphere cast over this period.

With Capricorn rising, there’s already a bed of melancholia. And the sign’s earthiness can really bring things down to the palpable, material level. This isn’t some abstract, archetypal idea. Saturn is the Lord of the Ascendant. He’s peregrine, a stranger, wandering around the 3rd house of the media and primary education. He’s conjunct exalted Venus, perhaps helping her to crystallize some structures around women’s issues. Mortality and the elderly come to the fore – particularly as Baby Boomers leave the Earth in droves. Saturn also rules the 2nd house, so maybe some of that Boomer money loosens up and enters the economic stream?

The Sun is in Aries (obviously), ingressing the 4th house land and agriculture. The Sun is also importing some 8th house significations. Lots of fire. Death, land, agriculture, leadership and other nation’s money? Hmm…  maybe some global warming stuff? The Moon is separating a trine by a few days. This could indicate that public attention and confidence is moving away from its leadership, or that the public mind is shifting its focus from land to mortality.

Gemini is on the 6th house of public health. It’s a mutable air sign, ruled by Mercury. Mercury is conjunct the North Node, in his face, visible and in direct motion. Decent Mercury. Still, Gemini could symbolize an airborne virus or a technological virus. If Mercury were in trouble, I would expect some problems but, as it stands, I think we’re ok until maybe after the Summer Solstice.

I don’t see much in terms of foreign affairs because the Lord of the 1st house (Saturn, “us”) is not in an aspect relationship with the Lady of the 7th (the Moon, “them”).

In terms of general pleasure, recreation, procreation, entertainment and the arts (i.e., the 5th house), We have Jupiter in Taurus on the 5th in a sextile with exalted Venus, Lady of the 5th. Actually, they’re mutually receiving each other, with Venus in Jupiter’s sign. This is pretty good. Looks like most of us are going to have fun during those three months.

One last thing. I just want to discuss the global view of the Biden/Trump zeitgeist during this period. If we use the Lords of their Ascendants as their significators, we have Biden represented by Jupiter and Trump by the Sun. As we said earlier, the Moon (public opinion) is separating its trine with the Sun (Trump), but the common people (the Moon) are still in his house (Leo). Not a terrible position for him. Biden (Jupiter) is in that nice mutual reception with Venus, who is applying to conjunct the “old man,” Saturn and his established position of authority. Jupiter is conjunct the IC, which, to some extent, shares the symbolism of midnight and the Winter Solstice. Also with Death and the “end of things.”

Beware Monday, May 13th, 2024.


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