2023 Aries Ingress Analysis

I erected this chart for Washington DC, the US capital, so it should give us a good idea about the cycle of fate and fortune engaged by the United States, commencing on March 20th, 2023 at 5:30 PM EST. This moment is marked by the Sun’s passage, or ingress, into the sign of Aries, which is the typical way to assess the astrological weather of the year in mundane astrology.

The 2023 Aries Ingress chart has mutable signs on the angles (Virgo rising), so that means this chart will be valid until the 2023 Libra ingress, six months later. Had there been cardinal signs on the angles, it would have been valid for only 3 months; fixed signs, for the full year. So, this chart can tell us about a period of six months.

Here’s the chart:

I’m going to go bold on this one. When I delineated last year’s Aries Ingress, I was a little vague – but I had 100% accuracy! Go back and read it here. Anyway, I’m going to go for higher detail on this one.

Brace yourself.

This isn’t looking too great.

Let me cut to the chase and go straight to the big feature here: the Sun (significator of Joe Biden) is in the 8th house of death. I expect the POTUS to die sometime between the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. I’m not trying to be unethical or upset anyone - it’s just that this Sun-in-the-8th-house thing is significant because the Sun is the natural significator of the President and he’s in the 8th house. If I blew such an obvious placement off in my delineation, I would be doing so knowingly, so I don’t upset people. And then, let’s say it happens - I would be saying “I saw that!” and you would be saying “Bullshit, Jaime.” You know you would. I would too.

Anyway, let’s see if we can tighten this up and get a couple potential dates…

There are a few ways we can do this. First, I’m going to progress the Sun, diurnally (primary motion, i.e., clockwise) until he conjuncts the radical Saturn (that is to say, the degree of Saturn in the ingress chart). I’m not sure that this is an established timing technique, because I can’t think of an example of someone doing a diurnal progression like this but, theoretically, it should work.

The Sun has to travel 28 degrees; taking these as a day each, I’m going to say that Biden dies on Monday, April 17th, 2023. I say this for a couple reasons: Saturn is the Greater Malefic and is the natural significator for old people. Biden is a very old man, signified by the Sun but also ruled by Saturn, the senex. Because the Sun is in Aries, I’m going to say that his death will have something to do with his head; maybe an aneurism, or other head injury; or maybe just “old age” because of Saturn. The Sun itself, however, rules the heart, so cause of death could also be a heart attack. Again, not trying to be vague here, but the symbolism is multivalent.

Okay, now let me switch gears on this and progress the Sun annually (secondary motion; i.e., counter-clockwise). So we have two aspects to malefics within the 6 month period if we progress the Sun (Biden): the first is a square to radical Saturn on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2023; and next we have a conjunction to radical Mars on Thursday, June 18th, 2023. If he dies on May 22nd, it could be due to a ruptured spleen (Saturn) or something to do with his shoulders and arms (Gemini) - or maybe just “old age” (Saturn). If he dies on June 18th, the cause will be something like gall bladder, intestines, infection of some kind (all Mars) or, again, something to do with the arms or shoulders (Gemini). I’m not sure what could be so life threatening about shoulders and arms, but maybe he gets an infection there? That would be “Mars in Gemini.”

So, we have three possible dates for Biden’s death: Monday, April 17th, 2023, Tuesday, May 22nd, 2023 or Thursday, June 18th, 2023. Again, there are other timing techniques, but I’m not going to do all of them (because I don’t know how to do all of them - plus that’s bad astrology - you don’t apply every technique you know on every chart).

To assess the general condition of the nation, we look at the first house and its Lord. With Virgo rising, we note that Mercury is combust in Aries on the 8th house. This says that media/communication is going to explode over the death of the president. Obviously, it’s going to be a big deal and will dominate the news cycle - if it happens at all. I could totally be wrong about all this but, again, the Sun in the 8th house is pretty obvious - it’s essentially how you spell “death of the president” astrologically.

Let’s check the inflation, etc., that would be 2nd house stuff… Good news, I think. Libra is on the 2nd, ruled by Venus who is in domicile on the 9th house. I’m thinking that the international supply chain will free up and engage a little more. Venus is also conjunct the North Node, which tends to increase. I feel like inflation will lessen. I’m thinking the week of April 24th should be significant, just by progressing the Sun to a conjunction with radical Venus (ruler of the 2nd house).

The Moon represents the common people and their attention, etc. She’s in Pisces on the 7th. Mundanely, the 7th house signifies foreign affairs. So, the public’s attention will be focused on some foreign affair. Abu Ma’shar says Pisces corresponds to Eastern Turkey-to-Syria, Egypt and the “sea of Yemen,” so we’ll keep that in mind. The ruler of the 7th is Jupiter and he’s in the 8th, so we might say that some dignitary or other dies in one of those areas. But, again, it should be something that captures your typical American’s attention. Hmmmm… I wish I knew more about world events and stuff.

Let’s finish up by looking at the 6th house because that has to do with endemics/pandemics and it’d be nice to know if there’s any developments with that stuff in 2023… We have Aquarius on the 6th house; Aquarius is ruled by Saturn; Saturn is in aversion in the 7th, so this tells me that there shouldn’t be too much going on Stateside, but there should be some Pandemic activity overseas. I’m going to say that this should be apparent closer to the Libra ingress in early September 2023.

That’s about it for now.

I think this is enough. I’ll check back after those Biden dates. I don’t care if I’m wrong, but if I’m seeing this stuff, I have to say it. I’m just trying to communicate at least one way of interpreting the symbolism. I have a lot to learn in terms of mundane astrology. It’s not my strong suit. But you only get better by taking a crack at it, right?

Let’s see what happens…


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