Jaime Paul Lamb
is an astrologer and tarotist practicing in the context of traditional occult philosophy.
He is the author of The Astrological Goetia: The 72 Keys to Angelic and Demonic Astrology (Inner Traditions, 2025), as well as three books on the subject of Freemasonry and Western Esotericism: Myth, Magick & Masonry: Occult Perspectives in Freemasonry (The Laudable Pursuit, 2018), Approaching the Middle Chamber: The Seven Liberal Arts in Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition (The Laudable Pursuit, 2020) and The Archetypal Temple and Other Writings on Masonic Esotercism (Tria Prima Press, 2021), and has contributed pieces to anthologies such as several volumes of The Light Extended: A Journal of the Golden Dawn (Kerubim Press).
Lamb’s work has appeared in various journals, periodicals, websites and blogs dedicated to astrology, Freemasonry and Western Esotericism such as The Mountain Astrologer, Astrodienst (astro.com), Ad Lucem (the annual journal of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis), Knight Templar magazine, Royal Arch Mason magazine, Southern California Research Lodge’s Fraternal Review, The Square magazine, The Journal of the Masonic Society, Esoteric Mason magazine and many other online and in-print publications. He has been a featured guest on podcasts such as Occult of Personality, Whence Came You?, The Masonic Roundtable, Thoth-Hermes and others, in addition to being a co-host and co-founder of Tria Prima podcast.
Jaime Paul Lamb is a past Worshipful Master of Ascension Lodge no. 89 F&AM (Phoenix, AZ), a member of Old Well-St John’s Lodge no. 6 F&AM (Norwalk, CT) and the Valley of D.C., Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite. He is a Frater of both the Arizona College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis and the Hermetic Society of the G∴D∴. Lamb is based in Arizona where he lives with his wife and their many animals.
“I believe that astrology and tarot are two means by which we may orient ourselves in such a way so as to be propelled by the momentum of the cosmos.”
Jaime Paul Lamb, 2020
Lamb is certified in Hellenistic astrology from Chris Brennan’s seminal course on the subject and has studied with the eminent Medieval/Renaissance astrologer, Christopher Warnock. He is also the Instructor of Astrology for the Institute for Hermetic Studies, which is directed by Mark Stavish.
Jaime Paul Lamb is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR).
to contact Jaime, email: